Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Just some Photography

Senior Pictures for Wyatt.

This little girl is Ryliegh. She was so cute! And so easy to take pictures for, she really liked the 
camera. She was always posing or standing there saying Cheese! 

 One of my very close friends Joshua! Senior Pics

Wedding Pictures from last summer. Family friend, volleyball coach Mrs. Laura! This was so fun last summer
it was a really nice wedding!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Today we had rain. As you might be able to see. 
My sister and I are # Wrangler wearing, cow chasing, creek jumping,
Fencing, and soaked to the bone chicks! Had a great day!

Today also is my older brother's Birthday. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY TEL!
I went and helped him shoe the other day, took off shoes, caught horses and shaped some shoes  for him it was a good time. I guess he appreciated it because he shawed my horse last night, I was very thankful!  Again Happy Birthday, love ya Kate!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Week 8 & Grandpa

Week 8: Black & White

I've been wanting to do a memorial thing for my grandpa so I tied in my black and white with it.
Anyways my grandpa's name was Gerald David Fleming, he was born to my Great Grandma Irene, and Great Grandpa Walter "Lee" Fleming  in 1926. He grew up with 7 sibilings. My grandpa grew up around the Bonner area of Montana, he moved to Helmville when he got older where he met my Grandma Betty Lou. They together had 4 kids where they were raised in Helmville on my grandma's family ranch, until my grandpa got a job in Lincoln working on the Jacobsen Ranch for a man named Julius Clausen. My grandpa worked for him until 1989 when he bought the ranch. He had 13 grandkids and many great-grandkids. There that was a little synopsis of him. Anyways I just want to say how much I miss him, well all of us miss him, but I know that he is with me everyday!! He really is and I know he looks out for all of us everyday! He was the greatest man I have ever know he was soo kind hearted, sweet, smart, handsome oh do I mean HANDSOME! He taught me soo much about ranching, life and much more... His kindness I think really rubbed off on me since he left, which I am very thankful.  A few weeks before he left us he said to me. Be nice to your sister, and don't fight with her. I dont think we have gotten in a fight in years! I really obeyed his wish there! :)  Oh man do I miss him, but we go and see him lots. So over Memorial weekend we went and saw him. He trule y is the most loved person. I dont think very many graves had as much stuff on them as him! He really ment alot to people! As you can see!  So here are some pics for him, and everyone else!
This isn't a very good pic but here the handsome man is!

Not only do us girls love him, but many more! I think this looks beautiful, we were very lucky to have him as our Grandpa!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Week 7: What I wore today!

This is what I wore last night as I went fishing! My custom made Cowgirl Swank hat with our brand 
Bar Diamond J ( the J being lazy) along with a tank top, some blue jeans and my fake chukkas. 
It was a good night no fish, but a couple bites, next time :) 



My favorite TWIN! My brother Klint and I finally graduated! :)
Ohh it feels so nice, we will both be attending college. I will start in the Fall, and he will start next winter
for Horseshoeing school. Just like my older brother. We are both staying in Montana, but I think it may be a little hard being apart from each other, and one not being there for the other. We'll have to manage not having each others help on homework. Ha ha! I'm gonna miss this kid. Love you soo much!

Got the Diploma!

Happy Kids! Finally Finished!

Week 6

Week 6: From A Low Angle

Here is my low angle. The sun is shining through an old wheel.
The weather is been so nice, and we've got a little rain which is nice. Summer is officially in full swing for me!
Hope everyone's summer is going great!
~ Kate