Monday, February 10, 2014

One. Long. Fun. Weekend.

This past weekend I was lucky enough to attend a Joe Wolter Clinic here in Dillon. Thanks to my family and from work this past summer. It was a 2 day clinic on horsemanship, and cow working. Here you can check out Joe's site.

I had a great weekend my ma and sister came up to watch me in the clinic and we got to hang out and just spend a little time together it was really nice. I am so blessed to have them they brought my other horse over for class( Reba), which started today and took the other one home, that I had down here with me( Clyde). I can't thank them enough for doing all of this because it wasn't the greatest weather here last week. It was 30- 40 below a couple days and then it warmed up a little on Thursday and snowed about 8 inches and they drove in this!! I love them sooo much!!

So the clinic was very cool, I really enjoyed Joe, he had alot of good things to say, one thing that really "hit home" was to get something you have never had. you have to do something you have never done. Working cows was fun, Reba loves cows hahah she enjoys working them I should say and she is pretty good at it, but she likes to bit at them and she pins her ears back when shes on them, she is such a little snake :). We also got to use a flag cow that cutting horses train on that was fun, I have never done that before, but that would be really nice to start horses on!! There we some good horsemanship stuff that I picked up and will help me with my own horses and horses down the road.  By the end of each day I was pretty exhausted, but I enjoyed it all and my horses did really well so that made me happy!!

I hope everyone enjoys their week!! Have a great night.

There is never the sameness. Each ride, each horse, every cow is different.
It's an exhilaration that makes you long for more.