Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Good Bye 2013

Christmas was very nice, quiet around our house which was unusual, because everyone comes over for Christmas Day. Christmas Eve we open our presents and we also go to church and have dinner as a family.
I was pretty spoiled this year. I am so thankful for everything I got, and I loved everything!
New muck boots( a necessity for me my last ones were done for :)) a new silk scarf
I love it! Some Pearls, and a new hat band ( it came from the Montana State Prison, made by an inmate)

Over break I have been breaking one of our horses, he is kind of a project horse and since I have nothing, but time, so its good for me. 
Anyways I have put 10 solid days on Clyde (Stands with Fist), he was very head shy, didn't like to be caught, was hard to halter, would buck, and you couldn't even pat on him and he would be very jumpy.  Before these 10 days I had rode him on and off when I had time, and yes I got bucked off a couple times, but I guess I was dumb enough to get back on!
So this time I told myself, I wasn't going to get bucked off if I did it was my fault because I wasn't doing something right. Well I haven't got bucked off yet. I am also proud to say that he is coming along quite well. His ground work has come along ways, he can be rode bareback, stands while you get on and off, bumps up to a fence if you want to get on that way, turns really well, backs up, stops really hard, he is moving his shoulders over, and disengages his hind quarters really nicely, walk, trots, and lopes. Also can be caught anywhere!
I am very proud of him, he has come along ways from where he was. 
Here's a picture of Clyde with my sister when we first got him, he is a very handsome man it think!


Saturday, November 23, 2013

All things horses!!

  Well I am out of school for Thanksgiving break!! My plans are riding horses. riding horses. riding horses. and riding horses :) also  feeding cows and what ever else is needed of me I suppose. I think that sounds like a pretty good break!! 
   School is going good I really can't complain I get to go to school to ride horses it doesn't get much better than that. All I ever want to do is ride it seems like. I got my sister to come take a ride with me this afternoon, that way I got two horses out of the way at once, that was nice because its been getting pretty chilly up here when the sun goes behind the mountains. When we were riding my sister and I were talking and she was saying you know I like to ride, but I'm not crazy like you and ride every single day! I can't help it I guess.. Its just something I love and enjoy doing :) 





Monday, October 21, 2013

My favorite color is October

      Well its that time of the year!! Fall my favorite.. I love the colors of the leaves and how they change, woodstoves warming up the house, getting to wear your longjohns all day and all night ;), working cows, shipping the babies, and hunting season. There are just a few to list about how much I enjoy fall!
       So I took some pictures the other day that I thought I would share. My lovely mamma, sister and I had a girls day we went for a drive. It was very pretty and nice to get out of the house for the weekend, I really enjoyed it.
      Also I thought I would share a recipe I used this past weekend it is a must try!! It also fits in with the fall season!

White Chocolate Pumpkin Spice Snickerdoodles



  1. Cream butter, shortening and sugar by hand in a mixing bowl.
  2. Add eggs and vanilla and cream (mix) together.
  3. In a separate bowl combine, cream of tartar, flour, baking soda, baking powder, pumpkin pie spice and salt.
  4. Gradually add this mixture to the creamed mixture and stir until well combined. Add white chocolate chips and mix until well combined.
  5. Refrigerate for 30 - 45 minutes.
  6. Combine sugar, cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice in a small bowl. Form dough into small balls, roll in sugar/cinnamon mixture and then place on a greased cookie sheet.
  7. Bake at 375 for 8 minutes

My Mamma and I



Friday, September 6, 2013

For starters I am sorry for not keeping up with my blog, but today I write about college!
This is my second week here in Dillon, Montana, I like it, but I can't lie I do miss home.
What I miss most is just being out in the country, away from people, having alone time ya know.
Getting to be at the ranch everyday.. really miss it!
Ok. but school is good, I only have class for 3 hours so that's not bad, and class is going good so can't complain! I can't wait for my horse classes to start though, I'm really looking forward to that!
Also my pony got to come with me so I get to ride everyday, so that's a huge plus. I think she hates her life though because its not very fun moving from huge pastures to a 10 x 10 stall that she has to share right at the moment. She's getting use to it slowly, but its good for her!
I have taken a few adventures, exploring the back roads of  Dillon, because learning the streets is just not normal.. I'm weird aren't I? I'm probably the only kid that doesn't know my way around this town! But back roads this girl!!
I really enjoy this pic. I took it yesterday while I was out exploring, and taking pictures.
Get lost! 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

North Fork Falls

Spent this beautiful Saturday with my two of my favorite fools! My dad and sister
we took a ride into the North Fork Falls which is a branch off from the Big Blackfoot River! 
Yes like the one that is told about in the movie A River Runs Through It.
 Yep I live right where that movie takes place!!
Anyways the trip in and out was 18 miles and I just love taking this trip I always enjoy seeing this beautiful country!

The Infamous Bar Diamond J Girls 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Week 9 = A great weekend

Week 9

I decided not following the photo challenge for this week. Anyways here is what I did this weekend!
Went to spend the day with a close family friend, which ended up being more than a day! 
Caits and I running steers.

Me chasin' one down.

Are you ready? haha Caitlin and I again with her dad and brother. 
                                                      Photo credit to Marie Hoeffner

Had a great time with the Hoeffner Clan at the Stabach Creek Ranch in Winston, Montana~!
It was a good time riding 4-wheelers, running barrels, working ropin' steers,
 going for a ride, looking for elk-the big boys only- listening to some good ol' country music,
driving with no lights like it ain't no thang. haha
And staying up late watching Clint Eastwood movies and having some good chat sessions. Loved it all!

This summer is going by to fast it is unbelievable, but it has been a great one!!

I swear this is the most beautiful sunrise I have ever seen, they sure have a pretty place up there. I was up 
early thirty for this one.  I have never seen one so pretty! I hope everyone is enjoying their summer, as much as I am! Have a great week!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Just some Photography

Senior Pictures for Wyatt.

This little girl is Ryliegh. She was so cute! And so easy to take pictures for, she really liked the 
camera. She was always posing or standing there saying Cheese! 

 One of my very close friends Joshua! Senior Pics

Wedding Pictures from last summer. Family friend, volleyball coach Mrs. Laura! This was so fun last summer
it was a really nice wedding!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Today we had rain. As you might be able to see. 
My sister and I are # Wrangler wearing, cow chasing, creek jumping,
Fencing, and soaked to the bone chicks! Had a great day!

Today also is my older brother's Birthday. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY TEL!
I went and helped him shoe the other day, took off shoes, caught horses and shaped some shoes  for him it was a good time. I guess he appreciated it because he shawed my horse last night, I was very thankful!  Again Happy Birthday, love ya Kate!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Week 8 & Grandpa

Week 8: Black & White

I've been wanting to do a memorial thing for my grandpa so I tied in my black and white with it.
Anyways my grandpa's name was Gerald David Fleming, he was born to my Great Grandma Irene, and Great Grandpa Walter "Lee" Fleming  in 1926. He grew up with 7 sibilings. My grandpa grew up around the Bonner area of Montana, he moved to Helmville when he got older where he met my Grandma Betty Lou. They together had 4 kids where they were raised in Helmville on my grandma's family ranch, until my grandpa got a job in Lincoln working on the Jacobsen Ranch for a man named Julius Clausen. My grandpa worked for him until 1989 when he bought the ranch. He had 13 grandkids and many great-grandkids. There that was a little synopsis of him. Anyways I just want to say how much I miss him, well all of us miss him, but I know that he is with me everyday!! He really is and I know he looks out for all of us everyday! He was the greatest man I have ever know he was soo kind hearted, sweet, smart, handsome oh do I mean HANDSOME! He taught me soo much about ranching, life and much more... His kindness I think really rubbed off on me since he left, which I am very thankful.  A few weeks before he left us he said to me. Be nice to your sister, and don't fight with her. I dont think we have gotten in a fight in years! I really obeyed his wish there! :)  Oh man do I miss him, but we go and see him lots. So over Memorial weekend we went and saw him. He trule y is the most loved person. I dont think very many graves had as much stuff on them as him! He really ment alot to people! As you can see!  So here are some pics for him, and everyone else!
This isn't a very good pic but here the handsome man is!

Not only do us girls love him, but many more! I think this looks beautiful, we were very lucky to have him as our Grandpa!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Week 7: What I wore today!

This is what I wore last night as I went fishing! My custom made Cowgirl Swank hat with our brand 
Bar Diamond J ( the J being lazy) along with a tank top, some blue jeans and my fake chukkas. 
It was a good night no fish, but a couple bites, next time :) 



My favorite TWIN! My brother Klint and I finally graduated! :)
Ohh it feels so nice, we will both be attending college. I will start in the Fall, and he will start next winter
for Horseshoeing school. Just like my older brother. We are both staying in Montana, but I think it may be a little hard being apart from each other, and one not being there for the other. We'll have to manage not having each others help on homework. Ha ha! I'm gonna miss this kid. Love you soo much!

Got the Diploma!

Happy Kids! Finally Finished!

Week 6

Week 6: From A Low Angle

Here is my low angle. The sun is shining through an old wheel.
The weather is been so nice, and we've got a little rain which is nice. Summer is officially in full swing for me!
Hope everyone's summer is going great!
~ Kate

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Week 5 : High angle

Week 5 :

I think I really over did the High Angle, I decided to climb on top of my grandparents roof to take this picture. It was so pretty out. Yeah so this amazing view is right behind there house. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and Memorial Day!

Week 4 : Dinner

Week 4

Hmmm I guess dinner is hard to come by around our house..haha 
just kidding. The only pictures I could find of food was Crepes mmmh. So good
So I guess this will work for my dinner, food is food for me I'm not to picky! Here is a recipe for crepes if your interested, you must try if you haven't before. Cinnamon, and sugar is good, or as shown homemade whip cream and strawberry's yum! 



  • In a small bowl, whisk milk and eggs. Combine the flour, sugar and salt; add to milk mixture and mix well. Refrigerate for 1 hour.
  • Melt 1 teaspoon butter in an 8-in. nonstick skillet over medium heat; pour 2 tablespoons batter into center of skillet. Lift and tilt pan to coat bottom evenly. Cook until top appears dry; turn and cook 15-20 seconds longer. Remove to a wire rack.
  • Repeat with remaining batter, adding butter to skillet as needed. When cool, stack crepes with waxed paper or paper towels in between. Yield: 16 crepes.

Nutritional Analysis:
1 serving equals 79 calories, 4 g fat (2 g saturated fat), 61 mg cholesterol, 65 mg sodium, 8 g carbohydrate, trace fiber, 3 g protein.

Week 3 - Bold Colors

Week 3

As you can see I have been a little behind..I guess I have just been really
busy. Anyways this is my bold colors. This is a picture of my brother Tel, and girlfriend
Jess (aka Jessie or Jessica) :). This was for her graduation from University of Montana. Congrats 
Jess!! Were so proud of you!