Sunday, July 21, 2013

Week 9 = A great weekend

Week 9

I decided not following the photo challenge for this week. Anyways here is what I did this weekend!
Went to spend the day with a close family friend, which ended up being more than a day! 
Caits and I running steers.

Me chasin' one down.

Are you ready? haha Caitlin and I again with her dad and brother. 
                                                      Photo credit to Marie Hoeffner

Had a great time with the Hoeffner Clan at the Stabach Creek Ranch in Winston, Montana~!
It was a good time riding 4-wheelers, running barrels, working ropin' steers,
 going for a ride, looking for elk-the big boys only- listening to some good ol' country music,
driving with no lights like it ain't no thang. haha
And staying up late watching Clint Eastwood movies and having some good chat sessions. Loved it all!

This summer is going by to fast it is unbelievable, but it has been a great one!!

I swear this is the most beautiful sunrise I have ever seen, they sure have a pretty place up there. I was up 
early thirty for this one.  I have never seen one so pretty! I hope everyone is enjoying their summer, as much as I am! Have a great week!